If you consider that a strategy is a series of actions designed to obtain a specific goal or result then you can begin to appreciate why search engine optimization and paid search campaigns are part of a strategy and not a one-time initiative.
The process of developing an effective optimization strategy is equivalent to making a good business plan. You look to see where you are now, decide where you think you can realistically be in a year, 2 years and 5 years, and then develop the plan that is approached in phases according to the budgets you have set aside for its execution.
Starting with a comprehensive keyword research and analysis, you select the keywords and phrases believed to attract your targeted audience groups to become the focus of your campaign. A benchmark report serves to show you where you are ranking for those terms now and will be used again to measure your future success.
It is also important to understand the variables that may affect your current and future ranking results. These include items that have to do with your website, such as website architecture, the effectiveness of your web copy and images, design, title tags and meta data, calls-to-action and a number of other factors, as well as off-site factors such as other websites your web pages may be showing up on and what’s being said about your company over the internet on social networking, news, blogs, and review sites.
With website tracking and analysis software in place (generally Google Analytics is the best start), you have what you need to develop the phases of your strategy that will impact both short-term and long-term results. Google and the other leading search engines are looking for a steady, positive trend. Nothing gets accomplished overnight. Every positive step you take toward providing relevant, highly focused web content and establishing your online presence as an authority for the products and services you offer, as well as the areas you serve if you are a local provider, builds your “reputation” and solidifies your clout in the “eyes” of the search engines.
Before you engage in any search engine optimization or paid placement initiative, you will be best served by sitting down with an optimization professional who can clarify for you what needs to be done so you can achieve and maintain positive search engine results. Select your SEO vendor wisely. Learn about their process and capabilities, get references and request sample results of work that meet your expectations.