What iPhone Taught Advertisers About Techo-Junkie Consumers

We all know that Apple regained power with the introduction of the iPod. Techno-junkies, those who must have the latest and greatest personal electronic gadget, have allowed Apple to develop a whole new market outside of traditional computing. This steadily growing segment of the consumer population has demonstrated the power of their addiction by lining up for hours just to purchase an iPhone. With the growth of “cloud computing,” Web 2.0 and “software as a service,” among other internet-related technologies and services that allow users to perform functions online that were once restricted to the desktop, computer and technology companies are offering consumers a multitude of inexpensive personal device and computing options, like the ASUS Eee 900HA 8.9 inch Netbook PC for around $300. So what do we learn here? Consumers, unlike businesses, are generally “desire” motivated when it comes to technology purchases and Apple’s competitors have caught on. Marketing strategies will most likely bring advertisers profits if they can continue to successfully arouse the desire in consumers. Even in a challanging economy, being productive while having fun (and the newest gadget on the block)  is a nice way to weather the storm ;)