Start your Engines!

Start Your Engines!
Start Your Engines!

Well today was the day!

.com, .net, .mobi, .org, .net, .info, .biz, .uk, .de, bz, pro… the list goes on and they all serve a purpose in the “right” environment, but… .tel (yes I like this concept) is different at its core and today became available to the general public at generally acceptable price levels.

I have been following these for a while and aside from the bunch we registered in the Sunrise and Landrush periods, today the floodgates opened and I don’t see them closing anytime soon.

In fact, they shouldn’t!

Now I have heard many thoughts as to why .tel may not “take off” (in the long run) and the truth is there are factors that may hinder its potential, but personally I see great value in this marketing tool.

Leveraged properly, and aside form the “living” business card it can become, the prospect of using it as a hub for landing pages and e-commerce is incredible.

Even if humans take a while to come around, spiders and robots can have a field day!

I have made several posts RE .tel and I will probably be focusing less on them now, but I recommend you consider their power and I welcome your thoughts / comments.

Hey, if anything you can call and ask me directly at (coming soon ;:)