Could Spike in Smartphone Sales Mean More Business Transactions Online

Despite a troubling economy, the recent spike in smartphone sales could very well be an indicator of what’s about to happen online for BlackBerrybusinesses. Since the average price of a smartphone is between $300 and $400, and the features are geared toward the needs of professionals, it is safe to assume that the majority of consumers investing in these mobile devices are money-making decision-makers with budgets.

What’s the big attraction?

For the first time mobile users can access websites using a browser in much the same way they do from a desktop, not the abridged version they may have had on a “less than smart” phone.

So what does this mean for you and your website?

Empowering buyers with web access from a convenient mobile device, smartphones now make it easy for both consumers and industrial and non-industrial buyers alike to conduct research and make purchases from virtually anywhere!

A consumer on vacation can search for, and purchase, a gift from her iPhone to send to a relative while she is away.  A contractor at the job site who is confronted with a problem that just came up can source the solution while he remains at the job.

Buyers are no longer just computer users at home or in the office. And that means the potential for greater website traffic for you.

The 2009 Economic Outlook Survey prepared by GlobalSpec points to key indicators that internet usage for business is continually on the rise: Now more than 80% use the internet to obtain product specifications and to find components, equipment, services and suppliers.”

With the help of smartphone technology this number is bound to get bigger exponentially.

How can you prepare?

Take a serious, critical look at your website to determine if it provides any user, web-savvy or not, with the easiest, fastest, most informative, pleasurable and most convenient way to learn about and acquire what you sell. If it is lacking in any way,  whether from a poor design or look and feel to inadequate information, broken links, and a difficult navigation system, now is your opportunity to make the necessary changes that will ensure your targeted buyers choose to do business with you over your online competitors!

Would you be willing to invest in your website if you can get 1-2% of the 27% who just purchased a smartphone to do business with you? Think about it. Seriously.

Why would you hand that over to your competitors without a  fight?

2 thoughts on “Could Spike in Smartphone Sales Mean More Business Transactions Online

  1. Joe,
    I think this is true. I went to the Apple store the other night and the place was mobbed. A lot of iPhone activity. I was speaking to the guy that was helping us and he said it is like that 7 days a week. More and more people I know are using an iPhone or BlackBerry for both personal and business use.

  2. Joe,
    I agree as I travel for business my smart phone is the tool of choice for retrieving and receiving information. As business moves forward and companies feel more secure with their employees operating from a cell/WIFI device your speculations will become reality. I also believe the evolution of websites to allow smart phones to view content will also influence the capabilities of the user. Thanks for the info.

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